In Albania, a Tirana Appeal Judge, Shkëlqim Miri, a former member of the High Council of Albanian Justice, was detained under the charge of corruption, as he allegedly eased the sentence for a convict in exchange of financial rewards. During a police controc in his apartment is found a large amount of money (174,810 euros, 10,149,000 lek and 1,000 dollars).
The investigations against the judge Miri begun following the his verdict in favor of Gentian Doda, accused of murder in 1997 and sentenced by the First Instance Court to 20 years in prison. Doda fled abroad and in 2012 was extradited from the United States. Following his extradition, he resumed a new law procedure through judicial proceedings that passed several levels, while in June last year, the Tirana Appeal changed the indictment from "Intentional Murder" to "Serious Injury", a decision which subsequently led the release of the killer from prison. The decision was made by three judges, precisely headed by Miri, the other judges were Agim Bendo and Flutura Skenderi, one of whom was opposed to changing the indictment.
The police and the Prosecution for Serious Crimes conducted the detention operation of the judge "based on suspicion on the evidence obtained during the pro-active investigation, has resulted and documented a series of suspicious actions relating to the verdict of the judge Miri and the money he received.
"While the investigations are continuing to reveal if there are other persons implicated," the police said.