“The Guardians” by the renowned Albanian artist Adrian Paci on display in the Greek capital

Famous Albanian artist from Shkodra town (northern Albania), Adrian Paci will present on February 5 his first exhibition in the Greek capital, titled “The Guardians”.

The purpose of his new works’ exhibition in Athens is to transform “Kalfayan Galleries” into an agency, where people who changed the name, can actually write their own name, Paci said.

The main installation of the exhibition entitled “Names” consists of a large number of Albanian immigrants in Greece, which have changed their first names in Greek ones.

“In this way, immigrants who considered that their name was really problematic for their integration into Greek society are invited to write their own name on a small piece of paper,” Paci added.

During the exhibition it will also be screened “The guardians”, as a poetic reflection on the relationship between childhood and death.

Adrian Paci was born in 1969 in Shkodër, Albania. He lives and works in Milan, where he is a lecturer at NABA art academy. Paci represented his country at the Venice Biennale in 1999 and has taken part in numerous group shows since then: at MoMA PS1, New York, in 2005, Manifesta 3, Ljubljana, in 2000, Tate Modern, London, in 2008, and MAXXI, Rome, and the Lyon and Havana biennials, in 2011.

He has been featured in solo exhibitions at a number of museums: Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Kunstverein, Hannover, Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv, Bloomberg Space, London, and Kunsthaus, Zurich.

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