Ermonela Jaho nominated in the International Opera Awards

The well known internationally Albanian soprano, Ermonela Jaho is nominated by the International Opera Awards in Reader`s Award. 

The winner will be determined by tabulating votes worldwide.

This news was announced by Ilir Kerni on his Facebook profile who writes:

 "Please is urgent, share...Super Ermonela Jaho nominated by the International Opera Awards in Readers'Award. The winner is determined by collecting votes from around the world. Ermonela competitors are known artists of Latino and Russian art, so it would be nice for Albanian to express solidarity with their Albanians girl by voting massively for her. To show that there is also Us! Voting is simple as follows: open the link -

Click on the blue link "click here' to vote..., then select Ermonela Jaho, enter name and e-mail and click submit, and finally everything ok ".

So what are you waiting for....
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