In the port of Piraeus are situated more than 5,000 refugees from Syria and Iraq.
The largest port of Greece, Piraeus, for some time has become a major center where who refugees arrive here every day from all the islands of Greece. They come in every moment, with ferries that now are used exclusively for transporting the refugees.
In Piraeus, the battle for survival begins, in conditions that are considered minimal which humanitarian organizations and the media describe as dramatic.However, before going into the premises where they will spend their days and nights, waiting for departure to the border, to refugees is offered a cup of hot tea and a little food.
Rations are made of simple food that can not expire, comprising canned fish, raisins, dried figs, biscuit etc.
Through the Internet and television campaigns, the government and humanitarian organizations appeal for aid collection.
In addition to food, there are medicines, sanitary hygienic material for children, toothbrush and toothpaste that is required most.
George Valasakis, a volunteer for Greek Red Cross, say for Albanian ABC news that the needs here are covered by reserves of the organization itself, but especially from aids that citizens bring as a result of the broad sensibilisation.
"Among others, we distribute to other humanitarian organizations here in the port of Piraeus aids that Greek citizens bring, but also among them there are many Albanian citizens. They offer even a bread, food that they cook at home, clothes, shoes," Valasakis said to ABC news.
At the port of Piraeus, Andrea Zekollari, an Albanian immigrant who owns a bakery in Athens, brought a lot of food for immigrants.
300 breads, the same amount of pies with cheese and bottled water are taken with pleasure and gratitude by volunteers and packed for immediately distribution to suffering refugees.
Andrea Zekollari says he is affected by the difficult situation in which the refugees are.
Andreas's wife, Alma, is also an activist of the Albanian community in Athens. In the afternoon, she teaches to Albanian children the Albanian language. She is also a mother, of course.
On Sunday, at the premises of the passenger terminals were accommodated more than 5,000 refugees, mostly from Syria and Iraq.