The Albanian film "Babai" (The Father) by the Albanian artist Visar Morina was awarded in Linz, Austria. The film's theme was about smugglers and refugees and together with the German film won the Baden-Baden-Europe-Award, Kosovo media reports. Each was rewarded with 10,000 euros.
Albanian film theme has to do with a 10-year-old sick child, being used by his father to leave to Germany. After the recovery of boy, the latter tends to find his father in Germany.Prices of other films are as follows:
Crossing Europe Award for best film: "The Father" of Visar Morina and Baden-Baden by Rachel Lang.
Crossing Europe Award for best documentary film: Rio Corgo von Maya Kosa, Sérgio da Costa.
Crossing Europe Award for "Local Artist": Korida by Sinisa Vidovic; Sachpreis an Selma Doborac for Those Shocking Shaking Days.
Crossing Europe Social Awareness Award: Unten by Djordje Cenic and Hermann Peseckas.
Crossing Europe Audience Award: Jajda / Thirst by Svetla Tsotsorkova.Creative Region Music Video: Wösside - Rap Rec WOS Leni von Gruber.Atelierpreis: Last Supper IV von Maria Czernohorszky.