Croatians on Albanian's side if War erupts in Balkans

Croatians on Albanian's side if War erupts in Balkans

 Globus magazine is among many Croatian media that has analyzed the current political situation and security in Macedonia. 

The magazine writes that the situation in Macedonia is not caused only by internal factors, but it is also a reflection of geopolitical interests, which primarily is related to the construction of the pipeline "Turkish Stream" that should pass through Macedonia to reach out the countries of Central and Western Europe, Kosovo newspaper Lajm reports.

"Because of profitable interests in Macedonia everything is possible. The eventual conflict can easily expand in the half of Balkans and include Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro and even Greece and Bulgaria. And Croatia on the Albanian side, on NATO's side ", writes Globus.

Croatians on Albanian's side if War erupts in Balkans

According to this magazine in Macedonia are intertwined the interests of the West and Russia, the latter is helped also by China.

"Beijing and Moscow count on the same corridor, therefore wish their friendly option is for Gruevski to remain in power. Therefore, most likely, they will offer to Macedonians peace and prosperity, unlike the West, whose goal is the destruction of Macedonia and the creation of the Greater Albania", writes Globus../ Oculus New

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