The Kosovo Agency of Statistics (KSA) has published the 'Harmonized Index of Consumer Price Index' for February compared to the prices of January this year. According to the publication, consumer prices have increased by 0.3%.
This rise in price was recorded in consumer products, 0.8% in meat, 4.1% in vegetables and 4.3% in the use of personal transport equipment."The overall harmonized index of consumer prices in the country is higher by 0.3% in February 2018 compared to January 2018. This is explained mainly by the rise in consumer prices in COICOP subgroups: meat (0.8 %); fruits (4.1%); vegetables (4.3%); use of personal transport equipment (0.6%), with a common impact of these subgroups for 0.4% in the HICP," reads the publication of KAS.
This increase was neutralized mainly due to the fall in consumer prices of dairy products: cheese and eggs subgroup (-1.1%) with an impact of (-0.1%) in the HICP.
On the other hand, in KAS's publication it is noted that in February of this year compared to February last year there is an increase in prices for bread, cereals, meat, oils, fats, fruits, coffee, tea, tobacco and transport services.