Rome's player Lorenzo Pellegrini of Albanian descent?

Rome's  player Lorenzo Pellegrini of Albanian descent?

 Happens often that a famous personages results of Albanian origin, even when that happens, at first is seen with doubt and often is mocked in social networks.

However, the next case is not a media hint, or an argument. The footballer of Rome, Lorenzo Pellegrini seems to be of Albanian origin.

It was precisely the goalkeeper of the team, Alison Becker who posted a picture on the plane with some of his teammates, where Pellegrini is seen.

He has set to each one the image of the origin. There is also the flag of Albania that Becker has placed to the 21 year old footballer, Lorenzo Pellegrini.

Pelegrini is a Roma-born player and grown up in Roma team's chain. He plays for Rome since 2015 and is also a player of Italy's national team.

It is not known exactly if the flag placed on the head of his teammate is a mistake by, or Lorenzo Pelegrini is really of Albanian origin ...
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