SMI reacts over Mother Jones article relating to lobbying in US

SMI reacts over Mother Jones article relating to lobbying in US

The LSI (SMI or Socialist Movement for Integration) reacted after the interview given to Voice of America by one of the authors of the article in the American magazine Mother Jones.

"Regarding MotherJones colleague's statements Dan Friedman, in his Voice of America interview, we want to say that next time if Friedman and MotherJones will have questions they must send the answers they want, in order for as to confirm." SMI says.

Friedman: The article "Mother Jones", based on facts

The LSI reacted Wednesday to the article about the Mother Jones magazine, calling it "manipulation, fraud, no facts and distorted." Regarding SMI statements, Ilir Ikonomi of VOA took feedback from one of the authors of the article of Mother Jones, Dan Friedman:

Voice of America: Mr. Friedman, the SMI press office calls your article in Mother Jones a manipulation, fraud, and no evidence-based. What is your answer?

Dan Friedman: The evidence we present is in the article. So the evidence is and there is no deception. SMI had enough time to answer our questions. Most of them did not really responded. This raises the question of why they are avoiding the answers and come up with the charge if we are fabricating unacceptable things.

Voice of America: How do you conclude that the McKeon Group contract signed on March 24, 2017 with the ghost firm Dorelita is basically a SMI contract when you rely on a source that you do not identify? What is this source?

Dan Friedman: I can not identify the source except what is said in the article, but it is about a person who is aware of this contract and its details, as well as of the lobbying efforts in this case. Second, the article is not only based on this source. We also report that Senator's Office Mike Lee stated that it was for a meeting with Albanian politicians and had nothing to do with the Dorelita firm, which was behind the lobbying. The SMI itself notes that Mr Tavo has been in the US at this time and apparently has been present at meetings. I would like to know why he came in the US.
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