Robert Walsh in 1828: Albanians are a beautiful, daring, proud and adventurous race

 In the document entitled "Voyage de Constantinople en Angleterre, par les Balkans, le Danube, la Hongrie et l'Allemagne (Narrative of a Journey From Constantinople To England, 1828), by the Irish cleric, historian, writer and doctor, Robert Walsh, (1772-1852), we find a special description for Albanians, more specifically on page 4, which Aurenc Bebja, through his Blog "Dars (Klos), Mat - Albania" has brought to the Albanian public:

"The Albanians are probably Turkey's most beautiful race; they resemble more to Greeks than Slavs.

If the Albanians have the qualities of the Swiss and Tyrolean (Tyrolean people); if he is like them a fearless walker who climbs with his rifle on shoulder the mountains like the goats, he has more than the southern the liveliness and vitality combined with an extraordinary and immediate sharpness.

Like the Greeks, Albanians, perfectly, are a happy people. The national pride is manifested in the smallest words of 'Schipetareve', in their gestures, in their easy or theatrical approach.

The courage for them is something natural; and civilized, rather than being the Swiss of the East, they resemble the French, that is to say, those peoples who smile to the invasions.

The adventurous life is one of their elements."
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