Tirana receives another rating from internationals. The Albanian capital has been selected as one of the cities that has made more progress in city management and drinking water at the World Cities Summit 2018, as well as at the annual water summit held in Singapore.
"We got the state Water Supply company as a bankrupt enterprise three years ago, and today not only has it been debited but is getting ready for investment, thanks to EBRD credit, to double the Boville filtration capacity and to build a new network that goes from Bovilla to Astiri and New Tirana area. This avoids the problems we inherited from the former municipality, in an area that grew enormously during that time. I am also pleased that Tirana is today the leader in Albania: 98.5% of the water bill is paid. So when people see they receive services, they are ready to pay those modest payments owed to the state," Veliaj said.Tirana is rated as one of the most innovative cities for the way it has been transformed. The mayor has also commented on a statement made by former PM Berisha in the "Exclusive" documentary aired on Top Channel relating to Skanderbeg Square.
I feel sorry when I look past the past in Albania who swear to spoil the public works that have been done in Tirana, like Skanderbeg Square, or that they will not allow other public works such as the new National Theater.
"Today Tirana has this reputation thanks to the courage had in 2000-2011 and thanks to the courage of the last three years. So when Tirana had a mayor and a government that has supported it, that have undertaken brave decisions, there has been a worldwide reputation even beyond Albania as an innovative country that is being transformed in a galopant manner."
Mayor Veliaj promised that in the new mandate the transformation will include rural areas as well.