Albania's Former Prime, Majko: Serbia's policy become like their Prime Minister visage...

Albania's Former Prime, Majko: Serbia's policy become like their Prime Minister visage...

 The Former Prime Minister of Albania during the Kosovo War period, Pandeli Majko in a paper on the possibility of changing the borders between Serbia and Kosovo, says that the neighbors (reffering to Serbia) are looking for tension. Considering that the Prime Minister of Serbia is lesbian, Majko writes: Belgrade's policy has taken the look of its Prime Minister where the presentation and the content are two different things.

By Pandeli Majko:


The Memory is an insecure function in relation to history. Does not appreciates the repetition. The Serbs are understandable when they seek instability. This is a "profession" known for them by the history. But, there is already an official Belgrade desire to raise tension in the region as a verifiable diplomacy. President Vucic in the press conference yesterday asked questions in distance. "Why should we stick? That is my EU question. Please, Mogerini, Kocijanić explain to me what we should to? "...

Yes, the same Vucic, at the end of August in Vienna, stated that "... We consider Kosovo a free country ... We want to do something for our people. We want to bring something good to Serbs and Albanians." The head of the self-proclaimed "office for Kosovo" in the Serbian government held yesterday public lectures on history, recalling the situation before the Israeli-Egyptian conflict.

Belgrade's policy has become like the prime minister's appearance, where the presentation and the content are two different things. Serbia has a professional administration to expose to state leaders on what will happens if the Serbian army intervenes in the territory of the state of Kosovo. This state is under NATO protection. This intervention would not be "correction", would be a conflict that a military planner would not advise.

Europe is known for its lack of action but not of reaction. Serbia's intervention in Kosovo would produce a domino effect that would bring about the interference of great powers. This intervention does not go hand in hand with the history of the Egyptian-Israel conflict.

The main problem of US and West politics is emerging with the "Syria Coalition" which is ruining the balance in the Middle East. The Coalition of Syria and Serbia have a close relationship. Serbs are showing diplomacy of "force" because of Moscow's support. In 1999, a group of Russian parachutists took over Pristina Airport. If the Russian uniforms were to come from the base of Nis and they will be located on the bridge of Mitrovica "in the defense of peace" ... This is ... that would be a real crisis. But nobody wants to protagonize after that. Russian policy does not do business. Prefers the "chess".

The question that Belgrade politicians needs to make to themselves after this, is difficult.

They have to evaluate whether in a regional conflict is sufficient for them the "Assad's status". And it is about an almost integrated region in NATO and the European Union where one should not lie to the fact that will be "Israel" of the East in the West ... The memory is the most insecure function in relation to politics. It does not give you full coverage of the events but helps to create your self-reflection.

Serbian politics is on a difficult day. The reason is in the simplicity of what is coming. This is a disliked claim in former Tito's Belgrade. Being a common ground of East and West no longer works. The real Belgrade official drama is the inability to be former Yugoslavia. This situation does not pass through the "grimace". It is not the first time that Serbian politicians hide the weakness with a show of force.

If Belgrade wants to redesign its regional status, there is another way. It does not pass through the hostility to Albanians or ethnic divisions. A century of history is enough to prove this. In the end, this is a Serbian decision. The ultimate privilege for someone at the crossroads between peace and conflict. Of course.
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