The Swedish documentary film, "Ullmar Qvick, the Swedish Albanologist", with director and producer Vranin Gecaj from Peja, Kosovo, is an independent and unique film that shows Ullmar's life and career and his close ties with Albanian language and Albanian culture. Ullmar Qvick is a Swedish writer who owns Albanian language (in some respects) even better than many Albanians.
He is a diligent scholar and translator, the first Swedish-Albanian vocabulary editor. His sees the relationships with Albania and Kosovo with much love.
In the below interview he has talked about the documentary film and many other issues that relate Ullmar Qvick with Albanian language.
Vranin, how did this idea come about?
I was talking at the theater of the city of Gothenburg in Sweden with my well-known friend and filmmaker Victor Gadderus about the contribution of foreign friends who have contributed so much to the Albanian cause like Robert Elsie, Joseph DioGuardi, Eliot Engel, Ullmar Qvicku etc, etc. Their role is very important in the distribution of Albanian culture in the world
Soon I agreed to make a documentary film about Ullmar Qvick's long and sensational activity for the first time in history and his contribution to the Albanian affair during the last 60 years.
I agree with our friend Tiron Papraniku of the "Queen Teuta" association in Gothenburg, Sweden who had contact with Ullmar, to make an interview with him and with other members of the association we went to meet Ullmarin.
This is the rare story of a Swedish man, a Swedish man who was following the Albanian radios during the communist regime, this is the story of Ullmar Qvick, who among other things speaks of his contacts with Albania and Kosovo for 55 years.
The documentary film is Swedish production, 33 minutes long, titled in Swedish because Ullmar in the film speaks in Albanian.
I would like to thank all those who volunteered to contribute to the realization of this documentary film so important for Albanians and for new generations to not forget the contribution of this great man to the Albanian cause.
Vranin, how do you usually publish zour movies on the public YouTube platform!
Yes, it is very accurate, my documentary films are independent productions and have only one purpose, so that they are published on public channels where the whole world can see them and does not depend on the TV channel broadcasts that already have lost their informative independent effect. So this film can be seen by everyone who understands Albanian and Swedish.
Ullmar is a great and sincere friend of the Albanians, with a spoken and written Albanian for covetousness.
He is a diligent scholar and translator, the first Swedish-Albanian vocabulary editor. His sees the relationships with Albania and Kosovo with much love.
In the below interview he has talked about the documentary film and many other issues that relate Ullmar Qvick with Albanian language.
Vranin, how did this idea come about?
I was talking at the theater of the city of Gothenburg in Sweden with my well-known friend and filmmaker Victor Gadderus about the contribution of foreign friends who have contributed so much to the Albanian cause like Robert Elsie, Joseph DioGuardi, Eliot Engel, Ullmar Qvicku etc, etc. Their role is very important in the distribution of Albanian culture in the world
Soon I agreed to make a documentary film about Ullmar Qvick's long and sensational activity for the first time in history and his contribution to the Albanian affair during the last 60 years.
I agree with our friend Tiron Papraniku of the "Queen Teuta" association in Gothenburg, Sweden who had contact with Ullmar, to make an interview with him and with other members of the association we went to meet Ullmarin.
This is the rare story of a Swedish man, a Swedish man who was following the Albanian radios during the communist regime, this is the story of Ullmar Qvick, who among other things speaks of his contacts with Albania and Kosovo for 55 years.
The documentary film is Swedish production, 33 minutes long, titled in Swedish because Ullmar in the film speaks in Albanian.
I would like to thank all those who volunteered to contribute to the realization of this documentary film so important for Albanians and for new generations to not forget the contribution of this great man to the Albanian cause.
Vranin, how do you usually publish zour movies on the public YouTube platform!
Yes, it is very accurate, my documentary films are independent productions and have only one purpose, so that they are published on public channels where the whole world can see them and does not depend on the TV channel broadcasts that already have lost their informative independent effect. So this film can be seen by everyone who understands Albanian and Swedish.