A 20-year-old Albanian is arrested after allegedly interfering in 3000 Facebook addresses, by by hacking these addresses.
Tirana Police revealed that Arben Bozhiqi, a resident of Lapraka, Tirana, had different Facebook profiles and intimate photos of different women suspected of being minor."Arben Bozhiqi was arrested in flagrante after a 6-month investigation in the framework of the Criminal Procedure of 2018 on 'Computer Data Interference' provided by Article 293/b of the Criminal Code.
During the control of the apartment and the control of this citizen Police seized a computer device and a mobile phone in the quality of material evidence.
After these devices are being inspected came out to contain important data of interest to the investigation and more precisely:
11 profiles of Facebook social network were found with fake data that were administered and used by the citizen Arben Bozhiqi.
During the survey of profiles administered by this citizen, intimate photos of different girls were found, some of which are suspected to have been minor at the time when these photos were taken, and it is suspected that these photos were taken through receiving the social network addresses of these nationals.
Over 1200 (one thousand two hundred) different email addresses (e-mail, hotmail, yahoo, live etc. of different citizens.
Over 400 (four hundred) entry codes (passwords) for different social networking addresses of different citizens etc.
Over 100 (one hundred) addresses (URLs) of different social networking websites of different citizens.
Over 50 (fifty) different links (addresses) that are used in different time periods to receive (phishing) access codes for different email addresses, social networks, and so on.
This citizen exercised his criminal activity since 2010 and during this period it is suspected that he has intervened in over 3000 addresses of social networks, etc., of Albanian and foreign citizens.
Also, conversations in social networks show that there was an exchange of addresses for different purposes like profit etc.
"Currently is being worked on the full disclosure of this criminal activity and persons who may be affiliated with this citizen ", - stated in the police announcement.