Tabaku: Albania in strict monitoring of money laundering

Tabaku: Albania in strict monitoring of money laundering

 DP MP Jorida Tabaku says the most important institution in the field of money laundering - Moneyval - has forced the Council of Europe to establish strictly monitoring on state institutions and Albania.

Through a post at Facbook, Tabaku says Moneyval's rating comes after the United States Department of State report highlighting the rising risk of money laundering and of Basel Institute report for Albania as a risky country.

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Moneyval sets Albania in strict money laundering monitoring!

An extremely important institution like Moneyval that made studies on Albania, making these studies public a few months ago confirms our (DP) allegations. Not far from a few days ago, as the media made public, the most important institution in the field of the fight against money laundering has forced the Council of Europe to establish strict monitoring on state institutions in Albania.

Often we have revealed undeniable facts that Albania has become a place where drug money is being cleaned. But propaganda and the image of government image purification faded clear arguments by lying and denying.

As deputy chairman of the Committee on Economy and Finance, I have raised the concern several times that tourism policies relating to selective tax reduction, construction in Tirana and especially gambling game are the main areas where money is cleaned and the government is closing its eyes. I have had communications with the Bank of Albania and other institutions to ensure that these money does not penetrate the banking sector and the economy.

The unexplained one-year euro exchange rate, the increase in the number of betting subjects, the fall in bank lending and the growth in construction in Tirana should have been a bell for the government. But none of our warnings were heard and we are in a situation where Albania is put under strict monitoring until the measures are taken in 2019.

The law is narrowing for Government menbers and those in possession of the propaganda machine. Unfortunately, our country made back a few steps ... But this is the ugly trajectory of a country that has been 'cannabised' for four consecutive years, turned into a stockpile and drug dispenser and today is if front of the billions of drugs and drug bosses that govern...
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