Law passed in Italy for the corrupted: they will leave for life

Law passed in Italy for the corrupted: they will leave for life

 Italy has just adopted a new anticorruption law aimed at combating corrupon in public administration and bringing full transparency to party funding.

The individuals convicted of corruption will be removed forever from posts in the Italian public administration and all political forces, political movements, associations or foundations related to those have the obligation of online publication of all funding beginning with the minimum amount of 500 euros.

This law is demanded firmly  by the ruling force Five Star Movement and was approved by a majority of votes from the Italian Parliament with the votes against the Democrats, and the absence in the room of deputies of the Forza Italia party with the leader of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

"It's a historic day," Italian Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede said in the hall of parliament. "It is a law for all honest citizens and for all entrepreneurs who want to do their job well for all the people who will make this place reborn."

"We finally did it here in Italy, who corrupts or is corrupted to be punished by law," he said.

The new Italian anti-corruption law foresees new and tough standards for anyone who is punished even in the first instance for corruption.

This law removes permanently from public posts all those convicted of corruption, bribery, embezzlement of public property, all those convicted of attempted bribery, corruption and planned embezzlement, as well as all those who influence and favor illegal traffics. The possibility of contacting the public administration of all entrepreneurs convicted of corruption or bribes is abolished for ever.

The amount of punishment for persons convicted of corruption, bribes of embezzlement differs from the minimum sentence of 1 year that was foreseen in the previous law, in 3 years, and from 6 years that was oreviously the maximum sentence to 8 years now. As well as eliminating the measure of alternative punishment for all those individuals convicted of corruption.

This law also stipulates that all parties, politically motivated forces, political movements, associations or foundations have the obligation to publish on line all the funding made by individuals or donors initiated by a minimum of 500 euros. Also, all political forces are forbidden to receive contributions, benefits or other forms of support from government or public bodies of foreign countries or from resident legal persons in another country.

"This law respects the dignity of Italy," the 5-star MPs said, while for the Democrats in opposition, it is a dangerous reform for the justice system that still transforms individuals into potentialy guilty while on trial.
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