Kosovo's flag flutters in Ottawa for the third consecutive year

 The Kosovo Embassy in the Canadian capital, Ottawa, announced that the Kosovo's flag is raised in Ottawa for the third consecutive year.

At the ceremony organized by this Embassy, ​​it was announced that in addition to the celebrations of the 11th Anniversary of Independence of Kosovo,  is celebrated also the 20th anniversary of the arrival of Kosovo refugees in Canada, the 20th anniversary of NATO intervention, where Canada has been one of the key actors, as well as the 10th anniversary of Canada-Kosovo Diplomatic Relations.

In his speech, Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo in Canada, Lulzim Hiseni, in the presence of the highest federal, local authorities, diplomatic corps, journalists and diaspora community, highlighted the excellent and special reports of Canada and Kosovo. The year we left behind, apart from the very important visits by the Kosovo authority in Canada, culminated with the FIPA (Foreign Investment Protection Agreement) agreement that paves the way for Canadian businesses to invest in the Kosovar market.
In the framework of this very important activity, Deputy Mayor of Ottawa, Mr. Mathë Luloff, welcomed warmly the Kosovo Embassy and our Diaspora community who make a very valuable contribution to Ottawa. He commended the initiative of the Embassy of Kosovo and the Diaspora community for the appointment of a Street in the Canadian capital city named "Parasol Kosovo" in honor of the same name operation by the Canadian Government in 1999, which brought about 7,000 refugees from Kosovo to Canada during the war.

Canada and Kosovo share common values ​​and this makes these countries to be friendly - said in her speech the Speaker of the Parliamentary Friendship Group Kosovo-Canada MP Anita Vandenbeld, who expressed her most heartfelt wishes on behalf of the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The director for Eastern Europe and Asia at the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs praised highly the intensity of the relations between the two countries and expressed readiness especially for closer economic and trade cooperation.
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