TNT to the high voltage pillar; Deputy Minister: a terrorist act

TNT to the high voltage pillar; Deputy Minister: a terrorist act

 The TNT placed in the high voltage pillar in Fushë Krujë is a terrorist act. This is the statement made on Monday afternoon by the Deputy Minister of Energy and Internal Affairs.

"In the pillar nr. 65 of the 400 KW high voltage, Tirana-Podgorica and Tirana-Prizren are placed explosives. As a result of the explosion, one foot of the pillar and some of its retaining elements have been destroyed, which threatens a very serious damage, ie the collapse of the pillar. For this reason, the OST and Durrës police, who are at the scene for the repair of the defect and for the casual verifications, reacted immediately. The collapse of the pillar would risk leaving the country without electricity. So it would threaten Albania's energy security and, at the same time, national security of the country. It is an act that can be considered not only violent but also a terrorist ", said Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Ilir Bejtja.

TNT to the high voltage pillar; Deputy Minister: a terrorist act

"From the preliminary investigations, it is suspected that the explosion occurred due to the placement of an explosive substance, about 5-6 meters above ground level, at the point of one foot of the pillar. From these preliminary doubts it is thought that it was not a drone explosive, but a fire-wiring fuse. Near the scene, fortunately, there were no dwellings, which could bring losts in human lifes. The investigative team is investigating to find further details of interest in solving this event, such as the time when the TNT is placed, the motives of the event and their perpetrators. This is a serious criminal offense provided for in the Albanian Criminal Code, namely Article 230 offenses for terrorist purposes, including acts of interruption of water or electricity and any other significant source, and is sentenced to a minimum of 15 years in prison or up to eternal imprisonment. We hope very much that this event has no connection with politics, even though the language that incites violence, produces and provokes such consequences," Deputy Interior Minister Besfort Lamallari said.
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