Albanian family on the eve of deportation, Danish activists protesting

 Albanian families who have been seeking asylum in recent years in European countries often have been reported in international media. The last case comes from Denmark, where an Albanian family does not get the right to asylum and for this reason must now return to the country of origin because the possibilities to stay there are very limited.

But her departure was not welcomed by some Danish activists, who nearly at five o'clock in the morning filled the Copenhagen Airport by opposing the deportation of the Marashi family.
Albanian family on the eve of deportation, Danish activists protesting

On March 22 she was rejected asylum, while the authorities gave her three weeks to apply for a humanitarian residence permit, based on Danish law. The drama of this family is not only the fact that they are facing deportation from Denmark, but their 8-year-old son is also diagnosed with physical and mental problems. The family boy has never been to school, because of health problems.

The mother of the boy claimed that he cannot cure her sick boy in Albania. She adds that the living conditions in Albania are very difficult and poverty prevents her son from curing. Although he had three weeks to complete all the humanitarian permit documents, the Marashi family failed to do so by not providing what they were asked within the deadline.

Activists point out that many immigrants have problems with the documents, but they are confident that by postponing the the stay permit of the Albanian family, it can fill out all necessary documents.

While the Danish media say that two days ago, an Albanian mother along with her child was deported to Albania.
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