Tax effect in Kosovo market: Serbian good replaced by the German ones

Tax effect in Kosovo market: Serbian good replaced by the German ones

 The 100% tax of Kosovo's government over articles from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, has changed the Kosovar market situation, where the prevailing articles are no longer Serbian ones: the country that now leads in products exporting in Germany is Germany.

Prior to imposing the tax, for two decades in in a row, Serbia has been the country with the largest amount of goods in the Kosovar market, but today is ranked the last, radio free Europe says. These statements are also supported by recent data published in the latest report of Kosovo Agency of Statistics.

According to the report, last month Germany exported goods worth of more than 40 million euros, at a time when a year ago this value was estimated at over 30 million euros. After Germany, the most present countries with their products in Kosovo are Turkey, China, North Macedonia and Italy.

From the countries of the region, or the CEFTA member countries, Albania holds the first place in this respect. Kosovo businesses have found alternative substitutes for products from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to them, the market is well covered with the products needed by CEFTA member countries and the European Union.
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