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There are blacker nights than the other, long nights, that seem to never end. And that will never fuse any sunbeam! It was such a night, between 28 and 29 October of 1948, when a large number of people were dragged. And from their beds saw themselves in the icy cellars of Sighet Prison. They were, mostly, religious, or believing on condition. Among them, the 7 Young Bishops of the Greco-Roman Catholic Church of Romania: Mister Vasile Aftenie, Ulpiana Bishop and the Assistant to the Archiepark of Alba Iulia and Făgăraş; Ms Valeriu Traian Frenţiu, bishop of Oradea; Mgr. Ioan Suciu, Apostolic Administrator of Arcaheparkia of Alba Iulia and Făgăraş; Mister Tit Liviu Chinezu, bishop of the Archaeological Park of Alba Iulia and Făgăraş; Mgr. Ioan Bălan, bishops of Lugoj; Mgr. Alexandru Rusu, bishop of Maramureş; Monsignor Iuliu Hossu, bishop of Cluj Gherla.
Dark was the night when they were arrested. Even darker when they killed them. But today the stars of their martyrdom shine with a powerful light, capable of illuminating our way and the whole Church:
"Where people die of love for ideals - Cardinal Angelo Becciu, Prefect of the Congregation for Saints' Affairs explained - ideals become light for others."
At that time, when they fell, many thought that everything was over. But these days prove the opposite. These days the revelation of the Easter mystery is reminiscent of their memory. The light of Christ, afflicted, spitting, crucified, buried, and alive. To the Lord, casting the tomb on the tomb is made redemption for all mankind!
Why did they kill them?
This question arises naturally when it comes to their virtues, their sanctity! The criminals are usually killed! Not the Most Valuable People of the Nation! A nation that kills the heroes does not need heroes! Although without heroes there is no nation! Yet they killed them. Just because they did not want to become the "young man" of communism, namely, to be in the service of the ruling party and, in particular, to deny the Pope by breaking off any connection with St. Peter's Headquarters. Mystery of History. They fell to not deny the Pope! And will be exactly the pope, personally, who will beatificate them tomorrow to the greatest reverence: that of the altar!