Miodrag Sholaja, the Serbian who killed 14 Albanians released

Miograd Sholaja
 The notorious Serbian criminal, Miodrag Sholaja, convicted of killing 14 Albanians, was released from prison three years earlier than envisaged in the verdict. Sholaja was part of the Serb paramilitary group, the Scorpions, and on March 28, 1999, killed 14 people in the garden of a house in Podujevë/Podujevo, 7 of whom were children. 

The victims were members of three Albanian families. In 2008, Miodrag Sholaja received a ridiculous sentence of 15 years in prison, at a time when his involvement in the killing of 14 people was proven.

In Pristina have reacted harshly to the release of the Serbian criminal. It is a shameful act of the Serbian state is considered the release of Sholaja by Behgjet Pacolli, Kosovo's foreign minister said." The issue here is not only the release of Sholaja, but also the silence of the international community and the EU delegation in Belgrade. This is the reality of how war criminals in Serbia are heroes and honored by the Ana Brnabic government,” Pacolli said.
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