Rasul Miklaev at Durrës Court |
The Durres Court ruled out the extradition to Russia of the 34-year-old Rasul Miklaev. He is accused of terrorism after the Russian state declared him a member of the terrorist organization ISIS. His arrest took place in our country in July.
Rasul Miklaev at Durrës Court |
As in the previous hearing, Miklaev urged the panel not to be extradited from Albania to Russia, as he would be killed there. Despite his pray, the Court decided to extradite him to the Russian authorities.
Rasul picture published by Russian media |
Rasul Miklaev had entered in Albania from Greece. He has reportedly stayed in a refugee camp in Greece and would travel from Albania to EU countries. Miklaev is believed to have been a fighter for the ISIS terrorist organization in Syria and Iraq since 2013.