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In a joint press release published before the conference organized by the Ministry of Justice, Minister Gjonaj underlined how this collaboration has been extended to a series of aspects concerning national and international organized crime.
One of the main projects between the Albanian Ministry of Justice and the Italian anti-mafia is related to the special detention regime 41-bis, which has been considered very effective in Italy.
The press conference
Etilda Gjonaj
Our cooperation with the Italian anti-mafia is already solid and extended in a number of aspects affecting domestic and transnational organized crime, bilateral cooperation in joint investigative groups, exchange of expertise but also data, as well as issues of administration, management and the use of seized and confiscated assets. Already one of the main priorities of the Albanian Government is the fight against organized crime with all legal and institutional instruments, including the prohibition of contacts of subjects serving sentences or in the process of investigation. One of the most regarded systems in Italy, which Albania has borrowed in the fight against organized crime and terrorism, is the special 41 bis regime,” said Gjonaj.
When it comes to responding to organized crime, is essential the interinstitutional and regional cooperation, as is the strengthening of legal mechanisms, but at the same time the professional training of our law enforcement structures and I am pleased for the truth that we are all in this together, this new challenge. Together with law enforcement agencies in the country, we are currently in the final stage of implementing a special high-security regime in prisons for the first files. In our estimation, based on the Italian experience, the special 41-bis regime is an indispensable instrument to neutralize the danger and links of prisoners - sentenced or in detention - with criminal organizations outside prison walls. Organized crime has shown to be capable of acting beyond any barrier and isolationist regime, with sophisticated means and facilitated contacts through crime products.
The 41-bis regime has been drafted by our experts with respect to the rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution and in accordance with the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. It is for these reasons that the 41-bis regime is envisaged to be reviewed and reassessed for each convict during its implementation, in order to ensure a fair balance between the need to sever convicts' links with criminal organizations and to allowing the realization of the rehabilitative purpose of the sentence and the reintegration of the convict into society. For this reason, I would like to thank not only the representatives of law enforcement institutions for their commitment and dedication, but also the ambassadors of the EU, US, Italy, and Great Britain, who not only supported them with their presence this process but also with the necessary expertise and technical assistance.
Federico Cafiero de Raho
"We have a common problem in the fight against organized crime. We have experience in this war. We have for years been involved with organizations like Ndragheta that are related to Albanians, and so they cooperate in European countries. And it has a very strong base. So it gains a lot of wealth. Italy in the 80s and 90s has gained very strong legislation, since 92. There we found specific cases of combating organized crime. Italy is trying to let's say, distribute this kind of tradition. The tools against this war have been gradually improved. The Albanian government is on a similar path to Italy, banning the mafia to lead and make outside connections so the conversations should be interrupted and followed moment after moment. This is a very important tool. We have a special task force that follows the progress of the regime. It is an important moment because we gather elements for dangerous detainees. I am grateful to the Government of the Assembly for making the 41 bis regime. It is very important. People should be given this treatment as an example," said Federico Cafiero de Raho, among other things.