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Serbia's elections will be held in 2020.
"I welcome the agreement on the creation of a unified electoral list of Albanian parties in the Presevo Valley as an important tool for political empowerment and the protection of national interests. I congratulate the Albanian Foreign Minister, Gent Cakaj, on the support he has given of this process," Thaci wrote on the social network on Twitter.
Thaci's reaction followed that of Albanian Acting Foreign Minister Gent Cakaj, who, via a Twitter post, announced that leaders of the Albanian political parties in the Presevo Valley had decided to run on a single list in Serbia's elections.
“It was a great honor to facilitate the agreement between the wise political leaders of the #Preshevë valley. They today decided to establish a unified electoral list and thus enable their voters to achieve a powerful voice - and votes in the forthcoming election. Urime!," Cakaj wrote.
In the 2016 elections, almost all parties of the Albanian minority in Serbia did not take part in the election race because of - as they stated - dissatisfaction with the attitude of the Serbian authorities towards the Albanians in Serbia.
However, the boycott was not complete, so Riza Halimi's Party of Democratic Action took part in the elections. Among the 250 members of the Serbian parliament, Ardita Sinani was elected as the sole Albanian representative.
In the recent elections to the National Council of Albanians, a body representing the interests of the Albanian national minority in Serbia, six electoral lists participated. The elections were held on November 4, 2018 and Ragmi Mustafa was elected chairman of the National Council.