Albin Kurti says his downfall was Grenell's order, the EU doubts, the US denies having a secret plan to partition Kosovo

 Kurti and Grenell shaking hands
 Acting Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti made his first reaction on social media after the Assembly ousted his government yesterday evening.

Kurti begins his writing by saying that "it was a necessary fall for the necessary upgrading", saying that nothing will stop Vetevendosje! and the future of Kosovo.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti, ousted by 82 votes, writes that "we will win" and "the future is ours".

“It was a necessary downfall for the necessary upgrade. Without the fall of the government as a composition, governance cannot be performed as content. Not that we didn't know it, we got it anyway.

Yesterday's convention would be well worth remembering. However, this will not be the case because we will win. So the future is ours, while we will lose a tragedy.

This Assembly does not trust this government because it is subject to the government as such. Our government does not believe this assembly because it loves the assembly as such.

He had said it correctly last night, Enver Hasani: the distrust was conjunctural. When democratic representation falls into political conjuncture, then alienation becomes the norm.

The purpose of mistrust was not to overthrow the government but to weaken the government. And the meaning of distrust was ambassador Grenell's message: there are over 80 lawmakers in Kosovo ready to risk the lives of citizens only if the presidential exchange passes.

We will continue as an acting government. We are a government with duties and not a forced government.

First of all, we have to fight the Covid-19 pandemic together. Above all, let's keep the people close by saying that Kosovo is our home," Kurti wrote.

On the other hand the European Parliament rapporteur for Kosovo Viola von Cramon today shared on Twitter the statement of the US State Department that there is no secret plan for the exchange of territories between Kosovo and Serbia, adding that the United States will maintain its word.

Last night Richard Grenell, US President Donald Trump's special envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, the US Ambassador to Kosovo Philip Kosnett and the Western Balkans special envoy Matthew Palmer said in a joint statement that there was no secret plan. for the exchange of territories between Kosovo and Serbia.

Viola von Cramon, the rapporteur at the European Parliament for Kosovo, responded to this message today.

"We can only hope that the United States, after the clutter in the state of Kosovo, will keep saying that there is no secret plan and no exchange of territories," Von Cramon wrote.

While through this statement the US appeals to Kosovo's political leaders to follow the Constitution, saying they will work with any government formed through the constitutional process.

“The United States is with the people of Kosovo. We welcome the continued efforts of health professionals and others who are working hard, at high risk, to reduce the progress of COVID-19 in Kosovo. In this time of uncertainty, we urge Kosovo's leaders to follow the Constitution of Kosovo and the rule of law. We are committed to working with any government formed through the constitutional process,” their response reads.

The US department wants Kosovo to remove the tariff on Serbia and Bosnia as soon as possible, as they say, it is hurting the people.
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