Albania among study countries in drugs testing against COVID-19

Albania among study countries in drugs testing against COVID-19
 The WHO congratulates Albania on its participation in the Clinical Study of Solidarity. Over 100 countries around the world are working together through this study to find effective treatments in the fastest time possible.

The study includes hospitalized adult patients with COVID-19. Adult patients who receive standard hospital treatment will also receive medications that are being studied for their action against the new coronavirus and the disease it causes.

The same standard protocol will be applied in Albania as in other countries. Each patient gives his or her consent whether or not he or she wants to take the medication under study.

The trained medical team assesses the condition of each patient for concomitant diseases and contraindications.

Through the Clinical Study of Solidarity, these medications will be studied:

- chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine;
- lopinavir and ritonavir;
- lopinavir / ritonavir plus interferon beta, and remdesivir.

Other medications may be added to the study according to research data.

The study is monitored by the Committee on Global Data and Security Monitoring, composed of a group of independent experts.
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