Albanian Director of the National Emergency Department recovered from COVID-19, the daily figures are minimal

Albanian Director of the National Emergency Department recovered from COVID-19, the daily figures are minimal
  Skënder Brataj in an interview (archive)
Albania returns to the minimum figures with the spread of coronavirus. In the last 24 hours, only 8 new COVID-19 cases out of 236 tests have been detected.

Among them, 45 health workers were tested, mainly in Shkodra Hospital, and 2 cases were detected, 1 in Shkodra and 1 in Kukës.

With the latest tests, Kukës was added to the list of areas affected by COVID-19, where 1 affected health worker is found, but still no citizen. While 6 other cases were found in Tirana. There are currently 46 hospitalized patients in the two COVID hospitals.

The Coronavirus has caused 24 deaths and affected 475 citizens in Albania. Health authorities say more than half of the 248 citizens have already recovered.

Among the last 16 healed are 4 doctors and nurses. One of the recovering is the director of the National Emergency, dr. Skënder Brataj and dr. Andi Kocaqi. So far, 36 medical personnel have been treated.

The most affected city, among 18 areas, is Tirana with 227 cases, followed by Shkodra with 71 and Durrës with 42 cases.

Authorities have extended travel schedules from 12 a.m. to 5 p.m., but citizens need to get online permission to get out for no more than 90 minutes per day.

Police and the military say the expanding schedules should not be misunderstood by citizens to move more, but to choose which part of the day one of the family members needs to perform the tasks the family needs. Police continue to punish many citizens who violate traffic schedules, and those who drive without a permit or on foot.

Albania has spent 4 weekends with complete isolation for 40 hours and, in all likelihood, this will be the case next weekend.
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