Albanian Opposition says the Government cheated as helped just 9.500 and not 250.000 needy

 Gazmend Bardhi in a press release at DP office (archive)
 Democratic Party Secretary-General Gazmend Bardh has recently published a document on Facebook saying that Edi Rama continues to deceive the Albanians and that according to him the truth is that his Government has not helped 250.000 Albanian families in need but just about 9.500.

Bardhi says that Rama makes propaganda on Facebook and that hundreds of thousands of families in need tonight will sleep without eating.

Gazmend Bardhi's post:

Around 21.00 every evening, Albanian citizens are fed up with a new lie by Edi Rama.

Through the Facebook regime, he announces that the government has provided assistance to about 10 thousand families a day, thus 250 thousand families in total since the closure of the economy. This is one of his usual taunts with Albanians who are suffering the consequences of the mismanagement of the crisis.

This is an ugly lie of the clown we have as prime minister, who will not know about the thousands of families in need and businesses without any income that has left them at the mercy of fate.

Letter published by Gazmend Bardhi on Facebook claiming government fraud
The truth is far from what Edi Rama propagates every night. Although the number of those who have lost their jobs, those who have less income or no income at all has increased significantly, the government has distributed less than 10 thousand food packages in 50 days. More precisely, 9 059 food packages from the State Reserves, as shown by the official data of the Civil Protection Agency.

This means that the government has supplied food, on average, 3 families a day to each municipality in the country. So where did the 1.5 million euros go, who gave to his favorite customer in order to supply with food the State Reserve?

Giving 9,059 packs of food and saying you helped 250,000 families is not just another lie. It is a criminal attempt to cover up with propaganda the real difficulties that citizens have in securing their livelihood and survival. Edi Rama's Facebook regime cannot change the fact that tonight thousands of children will sleep on an empty stomach due to his failure to really help them.
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