Albanian Orthodox Autocephalous Church helping TIrana Police with of the Police with masks, gloves, and disinfectants

Another donation in masks, gloves, and disinfectant, for the protection of police officers, this time came from the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania.

The Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania has donated 1000 masks, 1000 gloves and 110 liters of disinfectant to the Local Police Directorate of Tirana.

His Grace, Asti Chritos Bakallbasi said:

"We have thought about it before, but now we were able to provide these, since you are on the front lines of the war. We have you in our daily prayers. May God enlighten you and strengthen you.'

Director of DVP Tirana Rebani Jaupi said:

Albanian Orthodox Autocephalous Church helping TIrana Police with of the Police with masks, gloves, and disinfectants
Rebani Jaupi talking to  Asti CHritos Bakallbasi 
"We thank you for this contribution and for including us in the list of priorities, as your real mission is to help people in need. The police need support in this situation, as we are on the front lines of the fight against this invisible enemy. I would like to send a message through you to all citizens, who in these difficult days continue to strictly maintain all the orientations that the government and medicine provide. Let's protect each other. Your gesture through these masks helps us a lot to protect them in the contact we have with the citizens, not to infect our family members so that the chain is interrupted".

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