Albin Kurti dismisses Hashim Thaçi's man from running Kosovo Energy Corporation

Albin Kurti shkarkon njeriun e Hashim Thaçit nga drejtimi i Korporatës Energjetike të Kosovës
 Njazi Thaçi
 The Provisional Board of the Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK) has today fired Njazi Thaçi, the director of this company, who is also a cousin of President Hashim Thaçi.

Njazi Thaçi came to the helm of KEK in 2018.

Also, during today's meeting, the Interim Board dismissed Nysret Kelmendi from the position of Deputy Director of KEK.

The acting government appointed a new board to KEK yesterday, with four members.

Tensions have risen recently following the Kosovo government's no-confidence motion.
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