Irma Libohova among artists from all over the world singing the Italian 'Bella Ciao'

 April 25 in Italy coincides with Liberation Day, and initiatives were launched across the country to sing the partisan anthem "Bella Ciao" from the balconies of houses, an initiative that was supported by many.

"Bella Ciao", the symbolic song of the partisan war against fascism, today becomes the anthem of a new battle, that of the invisible but no less savage enemy - Covid-19.

Seven artists from all over the world, each from their own home, where they are bound by quarantine, coordinated by the Neapolitan singer-songwriter Tommaso Primo, have decided to reinterpret the famous song, produced by Giuseppe Spinelli and the artistic contribution of Giuseppe Spinelli himself, Antonio Esposito, Archangel Michele Caso and Stella Manfredi.

Irma Libohova among artists from all over the world singing the Italian 'Bella Ciao'

An intense, passionate version, understood in the awareness that in order to fight today’s battles we must not forget what it was. A cry of joy and hope from every continent.

Tommaso Primo from Italy, Guillem Rome from Spain, Samah Mustafa from Palestine, Dewis Caldes from Brazil, Georgios Strimpakos from Greece and Lay Ba from Senegal. Among them is the well-known Albanian songstress Irma Libohova, who brings it in the Albanian version. Also noteworthy is the detail that attracts attention, the singer's T-shirt, which represents our national symbol, the red and black flag..
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