Protests in Kosovo amid Covid-19 outbreak?

Albin Kurti leading a protest in Pristina (archive)
 The calls of the Kosovar leader of the Self-Determination Movement, Albin Kurti for resistance, have caused the supporters of Vetëvendosje to call for protests in the ‘Skënderbe’ square of Prishtina.

Following the restrictive measures on May 4, Vetëvendosje supporters have called for a protest on Facebook.

Protests in Kosovo amid Covid-19 outbreak?

As it is said in their event organized on Facebook, all the supporters of Vetëvendosje will come out in the manifestation for the protection of the Republic of Kosovo on May 4 and May 5.

Among other things, their announcement states that sympathizers wants new elections and legitimate government, calling for them to prepare for new elections.

Protests in Kosovo amid Covid-19 outbreak?
Illustration of men hitting the pan
We remind that today the group of activists "Replikë" has invited all citizens of Kosovo tonight at 20:00 to seek new parliamentary elections after the end of the pandemic COVID-19, through the noise by hitting the saucepan..
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