Albanian ballerino Kledi Kadiu cries while telling his story in Italy

Albanian ballerino Kledi Kadiu cries while telling his story in Italy
 Well-known Albanian dancer Kledi Kadiu was invited yesterday afternoon to Rai Uno where he told his story of leaving his homeland.

The presenter asked Kledi to share with the public once again the story of his arrival in Italy, the difficulties of the first days and the television adventure in the program "Amici" by Maria De Filipp, from the difficulties and poverty to fame on Italian television. A dream come true

During the interview, the presenter asked the dancer to recall once again to remember his arrival in Italy. Kadiu, while recounting again about his trip with the ship Vlora, described it as "The Journey of Silence".

"Because we were all enthusiastic and anxious to get on this boat. But I just got on the boat for a while I changed my mind because I was very attached and I continue to be with my family above all with my grandmother, who is no longer alive."

The ship Vlora anchored in the port of Bari, on 8 August 1991
"With my grandmother Kimeten." says Kledi as she cries in the live broadcast of "Io e te"

"My grandmother raised us (I didn't want to cry)… me and my sister. And then later I learned that everyone had come to the port," and he fails to finish his thought because of the memories", Kledi said.

He went on to narrate his journey to Italy.

"The descent from the ship Vlora to the Port of Bari, there they did not let us anchor immediately but left us to wait, because they had the order not to let the ship anchor. From this moment many compatriots were thrown from the ship in order to reach the shores of Bari. The first days in Italy are days that I will remember for the rest of my life. I am luckier and happier I can say that I had the opportunity to live such a moment, I lived three days in the "Stadio delle Vitorie" and two in the port of Bari, in the pier of Bari. There are times when I occasionally remember these days with my friends when we get together. It was a journey that I didn't know where it would take me. Then the rest is already known", Kadiu concludes.
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