Albanian students at Istanbul Technical University ranked the firsts

Albanian students at Istanbul Technical University ranked the firsts
 Screenshot of the list showing the Albanian students
 Istanbul Technical University has published the list of graduates for bachelor of the academic year 2019-2020 where for this academic year, 8 Albanian students came out first.

The bachelor students of the 2019-2020 academic year of Istanbul Technical University who completed this year with an average of 3.99 are Emiljo Mehillaj in the field of Electronic Engineering and Information, Bianka Pajo in the field of Civil Engineering, Sigela Muharremi and Alueda Kuka in the field of Economics. The second students are Arlind Billa in Electronic Engineering and Information and Joela Bame in Molecular Biology and Genetics with an average of 3.96. The third with an average of 3.94 is Alket Çiku for Civil Engineering.

It is very noticeable that the 8 students who came out first are from Albania. In the last academic year, the student who came out first was Ida Gjergji with an average of 4.0 (10.00 with the Albanian system) who was also Albanian. At the same time, the first, second, and third students of the branch of Electronic Engineering and Information are in the top 10.
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