Albanians secured two parliamentary seats in Montenegro

Albanians secured two parliamentary seats in Montenegro
 The two Albanian lists in the combination in the Municipality of Tuz won about 3,700 votes. This is the preliminary result of the elections that took place yesterday in Montenegro. It is learned that the Albanian List "Time is now" has secured about 3300 votes and "Bashkë nji za" about 400 votes.

In the 2019 local elections, the Albanian bloc won about 3,690 votes.

Meanwhile, yesterday the Albanian list "Time is now" (Force-ASH-LDSH-Perspektiva-Unioni Tuz) won about 1.4% of the vote - 1 seat, while "Bashkë nji za" (PD-UDSH-LDnëMZ) about 1, 1% of the vote - 1 term.
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