Dangerous minors gang destroyed in Athens; 22 Albanians and 4 Greeks accused of theft by barbaric methods

Dangerous minors gang destroyed in Athens; 22 Albanians and 4 Greeks accused of theft by barbaric methods

 Greek police have busted a dangerous gang of robbers in central Athens.

It is about 22 Albanians and 4 Greeks, all minors. According to Greek police, the gang operated in the central area of ​​Athens, mainly in the tourist areas of the Acropolis, Monastiraki, Plaka and Omonia.

So far it has been reported the uncovering of dozens of robberies that its members have committed in recent months.

The gang's methods were very harsh, its members did not hesitate to use knives to scare their victims.

In most cases, gang members surrounded the victim, and under threat and pressure, forced him to give the valuables and cell phones.

If the victim reacted, then was beaten barbarically and in some cases, the victims were taken to hospital with serious injuries.

They are also accused of drug trafficking. All will be taken to Court for security measures.

Local authorities, meanwhile, are urging parents to be wary of the juveniles' aggressive behavior and to report suspected cases of their children joining gangs in order to prevent even more serious criminal events.

Only in the last year, especially after the outbreak of the COVID pandemic, the juvenile crimes in Athens have increased significantly, while the adult crimes that have experienced a decrease of more than 12%.
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