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The Albanian in the top of the 12 store building |
According to what the Greek media write, the Albanian said that he is seeking a residence permit in the Greek state and that he is now living in a hut.
Meanwhile, the Greek police has managed to eliminate the danger and rescue the Albanian, who is now in the City Police Region.
While the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been set in motion after the case of the Albanian emigrant in Thessaloniki.
Konsullata e Përgjithshme e Republikës së Shqipërisë në Selanik sapo mori dijeni për ngjarjen e ndodhur gjatë pasdites...
Posted by Konsullata e Pergjithshme e Republikes se Shqiperise ne Selanik on Sunday, September 6, 2020
The Consulate General of Thessaloniki has met the immigrant.
The statement of the Consulate:
The Consulate General of the Republic of Albania in Thessaloniki, as soon as got the notification of the event that took place this afternoon of an Albanian citizen living in Lagkada, who tried to end his life for personal reasons, immediately contacted the leaders of the Central Police Region in Thessaloniki and has already met with the citizen himself, who is currently in this region.
The Consulate was immediately contacted by the relatives of the citizen and currently, the Consul General of Albania in Thessaloniki is in a meeting with the daughter of the citizen following the ongoing situation to find the possibility of a solution as soon as possible, to help the Albanian citizen.