4 deaths in Albania and 2 in Kosovo from coronavirus in the last 24 hours

4 deaths in Albania and 2 in Kosovo from coronavirus in the last 24 hours

 The Ministry of Health has reported 4 victims in the last 24 hours from the coronavirus, among them a doctor from Skrapar.

Meanwhile, there are 144 new cases.

Full notification of the Ministry of Health:

4 deaths in Albania and 2 in Kosovo from coronavirus in the last 24 hours

During the 40th week of the pandemic, the week we left behind, the epidemic presented with a slight trend of positivity compared to the 39th week with a daily average of 145.5 cases. While the weekly incidence is 35.6 cases per 1 million inhabitants.

All structures of Local Health Care Units and mobile structures for epidemiological tracking are on the ground to identify cases in time and to detect outbreaks of family or other public or non-public structures.

We inform you about the epidemiological situation in the last 24 hours. 912 tests were performed in the last 24 hours, of which 144 citizens affected by the Sars-Cov2 virus tested positive.

150 citizens have been cured bringing to 8825 the number of cured in the country since the beginning of the epidemic

The positive cases confirmed in the last 24 hours have been identified in these municipalities:

72 cases in Tirana, 9 in Shkodra, 8 in Lushnje, 7 in Fier, from 6 cases in Korça, Vlora, 5 in Durrës, from 4 cases in Elbasan, Kavaja, Divjaka, from 3 cases in Pogradec, Prrenjas, from 2 cases in Kruja, Tropoja, Berat, Belsh, from 1 case in Kurbin, Has, Bulqiza, Gramsh, Patos.

Currently in the Infectious Diseases Hospital and "Shefqet Ndroqi" 214 patients are being treated, 19 in intensive therapy of which 6 patients are intubated.

In the last 24 hours, despite the efforts of doctors, have unfortunately lost the battle with COVID19, a 72-year-old doctor from Skrapar, a 62-year-old from Fier, and 2 citizens from Tirana: a 78-year-old and a 79-year-old, with concomitant diseases. We express our condolences to the family.

The Ministry of Health reminds you to contact your family doctor or call the National Emergency number 127 if you suspect that you or a relative is affected by Covid19.

Call the free line 0800 40 40 to contact your family doctor, for specialized and safe psychological service as well as for any other information about Covid19.

COVID-19 - Statistics (5 October 2020)

New daily cases: 144

Healed in 24 hours: 150

Loss of life in 24 hours: 4

Daily testing: 912

Total testing: 93021

Positive cases: 14,410

Healed cases: 8,825

Active Cases: 5,185

Death toll: 400

Geographical distribution of active cases by regions:

Tirana 2695

Durrës 555

Shkodër 398

Lezha 262

Korça 242

Elbasan 236

Fier 225

Vlora 184

Kukës 132

Berat 114

Dibër 80

Gjirokastra 62.

4 deaths in Albania and 2 in Kosovo from coronavirus in the last 24 hours

Meanwhile, two victims and 41 new positive cases in 654 tests were registered in the last 24 hours in Kosovo.

According to the NIPH, the two victims are respectively one from the hospital of Prizren and the other from the hospital of Gjilan, while the total number of victims goes to 632.

The National Institute of Public Health of Kosovo reports that during the last 24 hours 73 people have recovered, bringing to 13,929 cases the total number of recovered, while the number of active cases is 1,294.

The positive cases are from the municipality of Prishtina 11 cases, the municipality of Gjilan 9 cases, the municipality of Gjakova 6 cases, the municipality of Viti 4 cases, the municipality of Mitrovica 3 cases, the municipality of Peja 3 cases and with 1 case each Deçan, Kamenica, Klina, Podujevë, and Skenderaj.

NIPH appeals for the implementation of the safety and hygiene protocol..

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