Albanian language schools in Canada are provided with textbooks sent free of charge by the Diaspora Publishing Center

Albanian language schools in Canada are provided with textbooks sent free of charge by the Diaspora Publishing Center

 Last Saturday started the new school year 2020-2021 for most Albanian language classes in Canada, where because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year the lessons will mainly take place online. Teachers and activists of Albanian associations throughout Canada for many years, especially recently, have made a special contribution to the preservation of the Albanian language, culture, and tradition, either by keeping schools alive or by activating young people in numerous community activities here.

Mësuesit dhe mësueset e shqipes në mbarë Kanadanë ofrojnë kontribut të vyer për mësimin dhe ruajtjen e gjuhës sonë të...

Posted by Ermal Muca on Friday, October 2, 2020

Our two ambassadors to Canada, that of Albania, Mr. Ermal Muça and that of Kosovo Mr. Adriatik Kryeziu, in the meetings they had with association leaders and Albanian language teachers, donated books and school materials, sent by the Diaspora Publishing Center. There are included a considerable number of primers, books for learning Albanian, and a range of titles for extracurricular readings, such as bilingual dictionaries in Albanian and English and some classic books such as "Princess Argjiro" by Ismail Kadare and "Ancient Albanian Stories" by Mitrush Kuteli. Among other publications, Albanian language schools in Canada will receive gifts and bilingual publications (Albanian and English) of the Diaspora Publishing Center such as "The Beauty and the Beast" and "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", two of the favorite fairy tales for children., part of the cycle "Bilingual Classics".

Albanian language schools in Canada are provided with textbooks sent free of charge by the Diaspora Publishing Center
From the left: Ermal Muça, Astrit Demaliaj and Adriatik Kryeziu
Homeland books and supplies were physically delivered to Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton, London and Kitchener, while in Calgary, Regina, Winnipeg and other cities they were mailed days and weeks ago.

The Albanian language teacher in Toronto who has an experience of 19 years Astrit Demaliaj is satisfied with the visit with "full hands" of the representatives of Albania and Kosovo in the premises of the Albanian-Canadian Community Association of Toronto, where other Albanian class teachers were present. He points out that books and materials are a great help to students, and shows that such gifts have not been lacking in the past either.

Former President of the Albanian Hamilton Association, activist and teacher Refki Sertolli congratulated the ambassadors for bringing the books. "We are proud and happy that they continue to bring books to schools that operate within associations. This visit of full of Albanian books serves as a guide for us that only together we can manage to preserve and cultivate our language, tradition and national values. He also asked the responsible institutions to look at the possibility of our countries cooperating with Canada to enable the printing more books in Canada so that we have lower costs and produce a considerable amount of books.

Rrugëtimin për dhurimin e librave në gjuhën shqipe e vijuam sot në Shtëpinë e Shqiptarit në Hamilton, ku bashkëbiseduam...

Posted by Ermal Muca on Saturday, October 3, 2020

The teachers of the Albanian School in Ottawa, Tana Spirollari and Feti Hoxha, upon receiving the books, posted the news with enthusiasm on the Facebook page of this school. "Through this communication, we would like to thank the Embassy of the Republic of Albania for a series of books donated to the community and the Albanian language school here in Ottawa. With great pleasure we inform you that they are available to students who are beginners in learning the Albanian language. Meanwhile, for students with more advanced knowledge of the Albanian language, they will have the opportunity to read extracurricular books and will continue to work with books that have been distributed before. "These books will be a very beautiful gift and memory for the students of our school on a long journey to learn the beloved language of their parents" - it is said in their post, among other things.

The teacher of the Albanian School in the city of Kitchener, Kela Hyseni, who has seven years of experience in teaching in this school, also received a bunch of books for her students in the premises of the Albanian House in Hamilton. She has expressed her gratitude to the ambassadors for equipping her school with Albanian books. "We also want to thank them for this wonderful initiative and the help that the arrival of these books gives me as a teacher in preparing the lesson," she said.

The two ambassadors, and the leaders of the associations, in all the meetings, thanked the dedicated teachers of the Albanian language, especially during this period of the pandemic, who worked from their homes improvising new methods of learning the Albanian language online, which will continue into the new school year.
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