American-flagged sailboat with 4 Russians and Ukrainians on board caught in Vlora

Sailboat with American flag in Vlora
 An unusual incident occurred yesterday at noon in the Albanian territorial waters, where a tourist sailboat crossed the Albanian water border and as a result has been stopped by the Maritime Guard.

The American-flagged boat with the name 'Medusa Delaware' had on board 2 Russian and 2 Ukrainian citizens, who after being detained were interrogated by the authorities.

American-flagged sailboat with 4 Russians and Ukrainians on board caught in Vlora
Sailboat with an American flag in Vlora
Sources for Oculus News suggest that the 4 detainees stated that 'they had left Turkey in the direction of Montenegro, but they ran out of fuel and entered the Albanian territorial waters'.

Meanwhile, sources close to the port authorities suggest that the ban on tourist sailing was made after they entered the Albanian territory without prior notice, consuming the criminal offense of border violation.

American-flagged sailboat with 4 Russians and Ukrainians on board caught in Vlora
Sailboat with an American flag in Vlora
Currently, the US-flagged Veliera is anchored in the port of Vlora until the situation is clarified, while 4 crew members are accused of border violations.
While police suspect that the sailboat was being used for narcotics trafficking and that it was stolen.
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