Interpol Tirana extradites the killer from Italy and the drug trafficker woman from Greece

Interpol Tirana extradites the killer from Italy and the drug trafficker woman from Greece
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 Interpol Tirana has extradited two people, one convicted of drug trafficking and the other for murder from respectively Greece and Italy.

While the cooperation between Interpol Tirana and its counterparts for the capture, arrest and extradition of persons declared internationally wanted continues.

The Albanian citizen Aurela Doksani, 43 years old, born in Fier, was extradited from Greece to our country by Interpol Tirana.

This citizen was declared internationally wanted by our justice authorities, after the Court of First Instance for Serious Crimes in Tirana, sentenced her to 6 years and 8 months in prison, for committing the criminal offense of "Narcotics Trafficking".

Investigations have shown that this citizen, in cooperation with other persons, has attempted to traffic heroin-type narcotics to Greece, by land. At the moment of arrest, on 08.08.2011, have been seized 129.3 grams of narcotics by police.

On August 12, 2011, the Court imposed on her the security measure "Home arrest". Pursuant to the decision of the Court, the Prosecution at the Court of First Instance for Serious Crimes in Tirana, on April 11, 2012, has issued an order for the execution of the above decision against the convict, to serve the remainder in the sentence after April, 04 . 2012 (1184 days imprisonment), in ordinary security prison.

The convict was not found in the apartment and in these conditions was declared internationally wanted by the OGC INTERPOL Tirana, at the request of the Prosecution for Serious Crimes. Thanks to the exchange of information between Interpol Tirana and Interpol Athens, on April 28, 2020, the citizen Aurela Doksani has been arrested by the police authorities in Greece, with the aim of extradition to Albania.

The same transfer was made by Interpol Tirana from Italy to our country, of the Albanian citizen Paulin Nikaj, 40 years old, born in Gurëz, Kruja.

The citizen Paulin Nikaj, with the final criminal decision dated on February 01, 2017, of the Court of Serious Crimes of Appeal, Bologna / Italy, has been finally sentenced to 30 years in prison, for the criminal offenses "Murder", "Illegal possession of weapons”, “ Personal damage” and “Forgery of documents”.
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