Pandeli Majko reminds to Vulin of the price for the war criminals Milosevic, Karadzic, and Mladic that was $ 5 million

Pandeli Majko reminds Vulin of the price for the war criminals Milosevic, Karadzic, and Mladic war criminals that was $ 5 million
Pandeli Majko and the announcement by Washington DC on the war criminals of former Yugoslavia
 Pandeli Majko, Minister of State for the Diaspora in Albania, has reacted to the insults of the Serbian Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin, by distributing and recalling a photo of Serbian war criminals wanted by international justice for 5 million dollars, writes Gazeta Metro.

Majko reacted to Vulin, reminding the Serbian minister when war criminals Slobodan Milosevic, Radovan Karadzic, and Ratko Mladic were wanted by the International Criminal Tribunal for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia, and the reward was $ 5 million.

Pandeli Majko reminds Vulin of the price for the war criminals Milosevic, Karadzic, and Mladic war criminals that was $ 5 million
I am publishing a photo, as a historical reminder, of the Minister of Defense of Serbia, Aleksandar Vulin, who is using the insult as a "sport" in his relations with the Albanians. You have to remember, I believe, that the price in difficult times is the most realistic. Then the price was $ 5 million. "Today!… They also have to pay the ticket price to go to Washington", Majko wrote on Facebook.

Po publikoj një foto, si kujtesë historike, për Ministrin e Mbrojtjes të Serbisë, Aleksandar Vulin, që po përdor fyerjen...

Posted by Pandeli Majko on Sunday, October 4, 2020

Serbian Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin, said that with the opening of the Kosovo Operational Office at the Customs of the Port of Durres, the head of the Albanian government was working to create a Greater Albania.

Vulin, criticizing the EU: "They are remaining silent while Greater Albania is being formed, he has also insulted the Albanians."

"What you give to 'Albanians' cannot stop Serbs".
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