Stork Ciconia Ciconia returns after 50 years to nest in Albania

Stork Ciconia Ciconia returns after 50 years to nest in Albania
Stork (Ciconia Ciconia) in the flight in Albania
 The rare stork (Ciconia Ciconia) returns to Albania after 50 years to nest.

The news is announced by the Minister of Tourism and Environment, Blendi Klosi, who states that "experts confirm the nesting of the stork in the area of ​​Maliq, where the nest is located".

Pas 50 vitesh lejleku (Ciconia Ciconia)🕊️ kthehet për të folenizuar në Shqipëri. Ekspertët vërtetojnë folenizimin e...

Posted by Blendi Klosi on Monday, October 5, 2020

"Meanwhile, in this area, it is thought that there are 2 other nests of this type. The stork is one of the most endangered birds in our country, with a nesting population of only 7 pairs, based on the last newly reported finding", Klosi said.

The Ciconia ciconia is a bird with a body length of 95-110 cm. It is characterized by white color and the flight feathers are black. It is characterized by the red color of the legs and beak.

Stork Ciconia Ciconia returns after 50 years to nest in Albania
Storks in their nest in Maliq, Albania 
Lives in rural areas and prefers to eat frogs, snakes, rodents, insects, and other vertebrate and invertebrate animals found near rivers and lakes.

In Albania, it carries the status of a critically endangered species for extinction, but this time has appeared in Maliq.

The number of the rare birds have increased in Albania and are now becoming regular visitors following the memorandum banning hunting.

We remind that Maliq was a natural swamp in the past but was reclaimed by the communist system and the city of Maliq was built about 50 years ago. In this sense, it seems that in some places some swamps have been reactivated, which have become attractive to storks.
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