Albanian authorities believe in the innocence of Kosovo President Hashim Thaci

Albanian authorities believe in the innocence of Kosovo President Hashim Thaci

 Today's decision of the President of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi to resign, after the Special Prosecution communicated to him the charges for war crimes and crimes against humanity, brought numerous reactions in Tirana as well.

The head of state Ilir Meta emphasized that "I appreciate the act of resignation of the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, to face the accusations and I believe in his innocence of all comrades, as confirmed in the past", wrote Mr. Meta in a Facebook post. "This is a moment of reflection to further strengthen cooperation and unity, in the best national interest", he added, underlining that "the war of the Kosovo Liberation Army has been just heroic".

On his part, Prime Minister Edi Rama, through a post on Twitter spoke about "the next battle for Kosovo and the inviolable justice of the Liberation War", in which "Hashim Thaçi has all the support and solidarity of Albania." According to him, the process against Mr. Thaçi is "absurd" and for this reason "it will finally seal the purity of the KLA and the impossibility to rewrite its history".

Opposition leader Lulzim Basha also expressed confidence that "from the President Hashim Thaçi, PDK leader Kadri Veseli, former Parliament Speaker Jakup Krasniqi and other KLA fighters, the indictments will prove to justice and the world that against them", wrote Mr. Basha in a Facebook post, emphasizing that "the war of the Kosovo Liberation Army was a just war against the aggression and crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing that the criminal regime of Milosevic was carrying out against the defenseless population in Kosovo. "No one can equate the victim with the aggressor."
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