Albanian Minister Majko says Turkey isn't our enemy because is giving drones to Serbia

Albanian Minister Majko says Turkey isn't our enemy because is giving drones to Serbia

 The Minister of Diaspora, Pandeli Majko, was invited to ABC News, where he spoke about a number of issues, including the arming of Serbia by Turkey.

Asked about the fact that Turkey is supplying military drones to Serbia, Majko said that this is an event that Albania "will keep a note" and that "these are recorded in the Albanian-Turkish relationship", suggesting that such an event has not has been well received by the Albanian government.

"We have three strategic relations, Turkey has a distance, but we consider close. Turkey is supplying weapons to Serbia, I know, everyone understands that we keep a note in the Albanian-Turkish relations, this is recorded, that's it. It will remain written in the Albanian-Turkish memory, I did not say we are declaring Turkey an enemy", said Majko.

Asked if such a thing worries the minister, Majko stressed that "Serbia's first supplier is Russia." He further added that "We should not be in a panic, as they have friends, we also have our friends".

Majko also spoke about Vucic's threats and his statements on Nagorno-Karabakh.

"If there is a conflict like in Nagorno-Karabakh, Serbian troops will face NATO troops. And if this story happens, which means a repetition of the Kosovo war, I am telling you that the organized and disorganized Albanians will do something that didn't the last time. And Serbs should know this very well. "When the Albanians won a war with NATO, without having a state, without having an army, without having state structures, imagine what they can do having Kosovo", declared Majko.
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