Alma Telushi, successful businesswoman in Philadelphia: my Blood remains Albanian

 Alma Telushi lives in Philadelphia for 26 years and today is one of the most successful businessmen there in the field of Real Estate.

She confessed that she went to the US differently from the others, as she had a grandfather there in America who had fled in the ’30s.

"Our family history is completely different. We had a grandfather here in America, they left in the '30s, he lived 18 years since we came we were among the first Albanians to come here when the embassy opened. My people had kept their American passport and came and took us right away. "Two aunts, uncle, and mom got American passports and we came directly to America", Alma confessed on local radio.

She proudly says that she is integrated in American life, but still, her blood remains Albanian.

Alma left for the USA as soon as she finished her higher studies in mathematics in Albania when she was 22 years old. She says that she came to Albania for the last time seven years ago and she did not know Vlora, the city of her parents.

But the beginnings have been difficult for her in the US as well. Alma points out that the first job she did was sewing, then raising children, and in the meantime managing the restaurant and some other jobs.

"Gradually I became more integrated and got the real estate license and the beauty of the real estate is that not many women are integrated, I am one of the few here," she continues.

Are there Albanian clients? "We are working people and we want to have our own house, we can not rent. Terminology in real estate is something that many do not understand and I have been forced to tell you sometimes half Albanian and half English because of how it translates to Albanian. This is the reason why Albanians prefer to work with us as Albanians, it is an obstacle they have in terms of the terminology", says Alma.

How organized is the Albanian community in Philadelphia?

Alma says that there are some important organisms that gather from time to time and that also celebrate the November holidays. Albanians have even opened cafes there and Alma with the humor that characterizes her says that she wants to open something more family as the habit of men in cafes still continues.

“Have you heard about the association Bijtë e Shqipes (Sons of Albania)? They are very integrated to unite the Albanian community, their organization, and of course, they are extremely organized, many Albanian cafes have been opened where they gather with each other. A friend I had has opened the cafe and I said to him do you think for us, the women? There were only men. I said to become something more familiar

In addition to the Sons of Albania, there is also the Balkan Travel that deals with the organization of holidays, such as the Flag Day", Alma continues.
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