Prime Minister Rama accuses President Meta and Opposition Leader Basha of voting in favor of Dick Marty report

Edi Rama, Sali Berisha, Ilir Meta and Lulzim Basha (archice)
 Prime Minister Edi Rama through a status on social networks addressed questions to former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, actual President Ilir Meta, and the leader of the Democratic Party Lulzim Basha, regarding the report of Dick Marty, who according to Rama has been voted in favor by the latters in the Council of Europe.

bbc webpage screenshot relating to dick marty report
BBC webpage screenshot relating to Dick Marty report
"Sali, why did you vote for Dick Marty's Report to the Council of Europe, when we voted against it, or did you want to protect Kosovo from Hashim?

And you, Ilir, why did you voted for Dick Marty's Report or did not Haxhinasto ask you? Do you have anything to say Lulëzim, or is the investigative secret that prevents you?" wrote the Albanian Prime.

"But you, Lulëzim, can you explain what file you have prepared for the fabrication of the Yellow House together with the Peruvian doctor who proves that you have gathered evidence together with him?"

The report talks about a yellow house in the Burrel region, where Serbs taken hostage in the war were sent to retrieve their organs. In this context, Prime Minister Rama accuses directly to the leader of the Albanian opposition Lulzim Basha for preparing the report against Kosovo.
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