Serbia threatens war, 8000 Kosovar troops ready to defend their homeland

Serbia threatened war, 8000 Kosovar troops ready to defend their homeland

 Two days ago, Serbia threatened war, describing the conflict with Kosovo as "frozen". But what are Kosovo's military capabilities? T7 TV channel in Pristina reports that Kosovo has 5,000 members willing to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity by law. In addition, the Kosovo Security Force has a reserve of 3,000 other members.

But what does the institution that guarantees the sovereignty of the state of Kosovo currently has? T7 requested information on the capacity of the KSF, but the institution refused to provide information, as according to them some data may be confidential.

But according to former commander Kadri Kastrati, the Kosovo army needs to be strengthened even more than it currently is. 

"But we are on the right track, if the government directs the means towards defense and security, as they are like air to man, then we would soon be ready to face any threats face to face not only with Serbia but with anyone "Who is endangering Kosovo?" he said.

He says that Kosovo institutions should work to improve the technical preparations of the Kosovo Security Force.

"The government will need to speed up the 10-year development plan to 6, modernize the tools needed for the army and police and be ready to defend Kosovo," he said.
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