The 24-year-old Albanian language translator Alkida Koçi in the Court of Barcelona

The 24-year-old Albanian language translator Alkida Koçi  in the Court of Barcelona

 Alkida Koçi is an Albanian girl who works as an Albanian translator in the court of Barcelona. Although 24 years old, she holds a key position in the Spanish justice institution. The young woman, originally from Tirana, was only 7 years old when she left with her family in Barcelona.

She has graduated from teacher training school and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in education. She spoke in a local Radio about the difficulties and integration into Spanish society.

"I came to Barcelona at the age of seven. My father had a cousin in Barcelona and he suggested we come to Spain. In Barcelona, ​​Spain there are very few Albanians and here they do not know much about where Albania is. I have not lost my language because we always speak Albanian at home, normally there are cases when I do not remember some words, but I try to speak it well. In Spain, there are many emigrants from Morocco, Africa, Senegal, Romania, but not many Albanians."

"When Albanian cases are dealt with in the Court in Barcelona and they need an interpreter in Albanian, I do the part of the translator in this institution. In the meantime, I am also continuing my master's studies for bacoming a teacher.”

I go to Albania almost every two years, I have my grandmother there and I come and meet her. I once took my Spanish friend to Albania. They thought of Albania as Africa, but when they came they liked it very much, they even started learning some Albanian words.”
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